Maestri dell’Acqua | Water’s Experts


Co-founded by the Erasmus+ Programme, the project aims to create a new professional profile: the Water Expert. Students from 4 European countries will have the opportunity to attend a training course with experts in water issues and climate change.

Thanks to this training course, students will acquire specific professional skills, in order to:

1) Improve their employment opportunities and adapt their profile to the territory needs. Water experts will become fundamental figures for the local river resources’ protection, analyzing them and constantly cooperating with local authorities;

2) Innovate professional profiles while renovating curriculum and adapting them with specific competences to enter the job market (i.e. consultancy in Public administration, Local Authorities, construction companies, etc);

3) Raise awareness and educate youth and citizens on climate change adaptation, and the importance of respecting natural resources.

The Water’s Experts project has two main priorities. On the one hand, it aims to adequate school studies to the job market needs, using training methods which are new, practical and more relevant for the work contest. On the other hand, the project’s purpose is to raise awareness on climate change, underlining the importance and the role of water.


Italy, Portugal, North Macedonia, France


Leader: Paese dell’Acqua  (Italy). Project partners: Geoclube – Associação Juvenil (Portugal); Community Development Institute Macedonia (North Macedonia); Collectif pour un Service Civique Européen (France) and ALDA – European Association for Local Democracy (France)

Association Community Development Institute (CDI) is the national umbrella association for sustainable development, education and social services. Established in 1994 by a group of young people as a response to the democratisation of the society, the association is based in Macedonia and has been implementing activities in Europe, South Asia, Caucasus, East Africa and USA. CDI is particularly interested in sustainable development and actively participates in environmental programs and activities. Lately, CDI pays special attention to natural protection and management of the natural water resources.

Geoclube is a Youth Association founded in 2000 by a group of teachers and students from the highschool of Gondomar city centre, in Portugal. Their main objective is to foster the active participation and the involvement of young people in the decision-making process of their education and their future. Geoclube also aims to create opportunities for young people to be active, to participate and to have special interest in issues that concern directly their future, such as Education, Policies, Economics, Democracy, Social problems, Employability and Environment related issues.

The Collective for a European Civic Service is a youth movement created as an association under French law but with a European dimension. Their aim is to open up European mobility to as many people as possible, to make it more inclusive, in order to enhance the European identity among citizens. The Collective is deploying a new mechanism, by adapting existing instruments to make them complementary and allow the most inclusive European mobility experience possible. Today they have branches in France, Italy, Germany, Belgium,Spain, Ireland and Malta as well as local communities in the main Member States of Central and Eastern Europe.

ALDA – European Association for Local Democracy was established in 1999 at the initiative of the Council of Europe and is a key stakeholder in the field of local democracy, active citizenship, and cooperation between local authorities and civil society in Europe, its neighbourhood, and all around the World, mainly acting through participative methods and decentralised cooperation. ALDA is a membership-based organisation gathering today around 350 members from more than 45 countries. The association is based in Strasbourg (France) and its other offices are located in Belgium, Italy, Moldova, Macedonia and Tunisia.



From 4 to 6 August 2023, the final event of the Water’s Experts project took place in Sassinoro, Italy, hosted by the project leader, Paese dell’Acqua. The partners CDI, Geoclube, CSCE and ALDA actively participated, together with some of the international students involved in the training course
The 3-day final event gave students the opportunity to meet their peers from other countries and share their experiences and knowledge about the topic, while partners discussed together the project’s results which have been afterwards presented to the citizens in order to raise awareness on the importance of water and the issue of climate change.
On the first day, students from Italy, North Macedonia, France and Portugal presented the work done during the training course in their respective countries, while the second day they put into practice the skills they acquired during the workshop on the Fluvial Functionality Index. Guided by Ms. Enrica Bronzo, biology teacher, students and partners explored the Sassinora river, analysing together the main morphological aspects and, in the afternoon, the teacher facilitated an interesting discussion to disclose the data collected on the river situation. The conclusions of the exchange were then presented to the Mayor and a member of the City Council, together with proposals and recommendations on the topic.
Thanks to the event, participants had the chance to discover more water resources of the area during guided tours of the Tammaro and Biferno rivers, as well as the interesting archeological site of Sepino Altilia, in the region of Molise, Italy.
The last evening was dedicated to the projection of the documentary “Til the last drop” in collaboration with the association “Controcorrente per il Sarno che verrà”.
The final event of the Water’s Experts project represented an important moment of sharing, being a link between the students from different parts of Europe, the project partners and the local community, based on the common value of the importance of protecting the water resources and the environment.

Check out the final video on our Youtube channel.

Pictures of the event:


Are you curious about the Training course? Watch the video on our YouTube channel to discover the activities carried out by the students.





Italian version below:

Maestri dell’Acqua